USA / 501(c)(3) non-profit organization EIN 83-1855559 | Canada/ CRA 753899103

Yves N. Murhula

Yves N. Murhula

Director of Youth and Business Development


Yves N. Murhula, Director of Youth and Business Development
Yves is one of the thousands of children who were born in Bukavu during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. This genocide sparked a rebellion in which many people perished. Yves was privileged to have survived the daily sounds of machines that fed him, which many families continue to endure to this day. In 2003, Yves was fortunate enough to relocate from Bukavu to Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he grew up and earned a High School diploma in Biology Chemistry. In 2014, he moved to the United States to study. After acquiring English as his fourth language and successfully completing his courses, he earned a bachelor’s degree in business. In the year 2020, Yves married his wonderful wife. Yves graduated from Eastern Kentucky in 2022 despite the obstacles of culture shock, learning a new language, and adjusting to a new culture. While volunteering with Helping Hand for Survivors, Inc. (HHS), Yves works at Galls as a contract manager. HHS benefits from Yves’ many years of experience working with youth and management.

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